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DEVORA scientists are working to understand how long it might take for people to move out of harm’s way ahead of a future eruption of the Auckland Volcanic Field. Check out this new research lead by DEVORA PhD Candidate Alec Wild to find out how long it would take !
Tags:Emergency Managementeruptionevacuationpublications
Check out this 55 min discussion between Volcanologist Jan and Youtube KIWITALKZ.
Tags:CommunicationInterviewJan LindsayVideo
Läuchli et al (2021) have discovered Onepoto Basin potentially contains the longest temporal lake sediment record from the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF). Check out this paper here.
Tags:age-datingcoringopen accesspublicationsresearchsedimentologyxray
Auckland lies upon many buried fault lines, and Gasston et al. (2021) has uncovered a new fault- the Motukaraka Fault.
Tags:faultsGNS Sciencemappingpublicationsresearch
Check out this new open access research article published by University of Auckland and Market Economics researchers simulating post-eruption recovery pathways in Auckland. This work considers both physical consequences and socio-economic and planning implications.
Tags:open accesspublicationsresearch
DEVORA are searching for lava rock and organic material from throughout Auckland to help our age-dating programme. Can you help ?
Tags:age-datingcommunity scienceresearch
A night to celebrate our co-leader Jan's promotion to Professor. A huge accomplishment, and Jan is one of only three Professor of Geosciences in Aotearoa. The lecture followed Jan's journey around the globe, the many research projects, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers Jan has collaborated with.
Tags:CelebrationJan LindsayLecture
April has been a busy month for DEVORA outreach, with exhibitions at both the annual MOTAT STEM Fair, and at Polyfest in conjunction with Massey Universities JCDR and Niupatch and QuakeCore. Click inside to see some photos and at home experiment ideas.
Looking for the definitive list of Auckland Volcanic Field centres to check off and ensure you've seen them all? Look no further!
Tags:educationeducational resourcesfield tripTeachingvolcanic centres
Scientists unleashing volcanic ballistics onto Kiwi roofs hope to help Aucklanders understand and manage their volcanic hazards. Wilson and his team have been researching a variety of aspects of volcanic activity, simulating what may happen to buildings exposed to a future Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) eruption.
Tags:ballisticsbuilding strengthEQCresponseshelter-in-placeUniversity of Canterbury
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