A unique convergence of ecological, geological and cultural values in South Auckland showcases the need to integrate multiple elements in volcanic site evaluations.
The United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) focuses on major efforts to reduce disaster risk.
Tags:CommunicationDisaster Risk ReductionEmergency ManagementGlobal Assessment ReportpublicationsUnited NationsVolcano
Most people believe they have the necessary items to survive a volcanic eruption but only a few believe they are very prepared, an Auckland risk perception survey shows.
Volcanic crisis simulation and role-play are valuable tools in communicating hazard assessment, learning monitoring and emergency management skills, as well as developing teamwork and decision-making strengths.
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FieldCommunicationeducationEmergency ManagementGNS Sciencepublicationsrole-play
An interactive, immersive role-play simulation has been developed to teach New Zealand geoscience students to forecast and mitigate a volcanic crisis.
Tags:CommunicationcrisiseducationemergencyEmergency Managementhazardspublicationsrole-playsimulationTeachingvolcanic
Volcanic ash damages and disrupts critical infrastructure. From electricity and transport to communications, wastewater and drinking water, all are at risk from a volcanic eruption.
Tags:ashCommunicationeducationelectricityEmergency ManagementhazardinfrastructurepreparednesspublicationsRiskTeachingtephratransportwastewater
A collaboration between the Earthquake Commission and GNS Science, GeoNet provides geological hazard information for New Zealand.
Tags:dataearthquakeEmergency ManagementGeoNetGNSpublicationssensorvolcanic
Tags:electricityemergencyEmergency Managementeruptioninfrastructurepowerpublicationsvolcanic
Volcanic ash settling on paved surfaces poses a major safety hazard. A study of skid resistance on road asphalt and airfield concrete surfaces helps inform recommendations for effective cleaning and road safety maintenance.
Tags:airfieldashasphaltBritishconcreteEmergency Managementpendulumpublicationsroadsafetytestvolcanic
A multi-hazard scenario of an Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) eruption reveals the potential impact on transport infrastructure and network users.
Tags:AucklandEmergency Managementeruptionfieldhazardinfrastructurepublicationsscenariotransportvolcanic
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