Image Credit: E.Smid Beneath New Zealand – documenting volcanic journeys A three-episode documentary series, Beneath New Zealand delves deep into the unseen world of volcanoes, exposing the traumatic past and the need to be aware of a potentially dangerous future. The first episode – A Threatening Present – details the fatal 1886 explosion of Mount Tarawera, that lay waste to the iconic Pink and White Terraces. The Prime TV series explains what causes volcanoes and the best ways to prepare for widespread destruction in New Zealand. It also details the work of scientists striving to better understand the power beneath New Zealand. In the second episode – A Violent Past – the disruptive history of volcano activity in both New Zealand’s North Island and South Island are in the spotlight. In the third episode – A Fiery Future – the focus switches to the Auckland Volcanic Field and the cutting-edge – and very timely – work of DEVORA (DEtermining VOlcanic Risk in Auckland) researchers and their valuable findings. New Zealand’s largest city sits on an active volcanic field. What does this mean for the people of Auckland? What does the future hold? And can the city be ready? In tandem with the series, a radio interview with leading DEVORA co-leader Associate Professor Jan Lindsay aired on Radio New Zealand’s Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan (7/6/2019). Tags:beneathCommunicationDEVORAeducationNewTeachingVolcanoZealand