Launched in 2008, the DEVORA Programme brings together researchers from across New Zealand and beyond to assess volcanic hazard and risk in Auckland. DEVORA researchers work with Auckland Emergency Management to incorporate findings into policy, and with lifelines organisations and businesses to improve their resilience to volcanic threats.
A night to celebrate our co-leader Jan's promotion to Professor. A huge accomplishment, and Jan is one of only three Professor of Geosciences in Aotearoa. The lecture followed Jan's journey around the globe, the many research projects, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers Jan has collaborated with.
Tags:CelebrationJan LindsayLecture
The DEVORA Research Programme aims to make Auckland more resilient, better prepared for, and safer from volcanic activity.
Tags:Auckland eruptionDEVORAProgramme Aimsvolcanic risk
This year we had a variety of researchers presenting at the Geoscience Society of New Zealand (GSNZ) conference in Christchurch. The talks and posters ranged from outreach and education to faults and eruptions.
For more than 10 years, DEVORA (DEtermining VOlcanic Risk in Auckland) has been focused on preparing New Zealand’s largest city for a volcanic eruption – and the ongoing disruption.
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FieldGNS ScienceresearchUniversity of Auckland
The United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) focuses on major efforts to reduce disaster risk.
Tags:CommunicationDisaster Risk ReductionEmergency ManagementGlobal Assessment ReportpublicationsUnited NationsVolcano
Research on all aspects of monogenetic (small-volume) volcanism has been presented at the Fourth International Maar Conference (4IMC) in Auckland.
Tags:AucklandCommunicationEmergency Managementgeochemicalmaarmagmamonogeneticvolcanism
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