Image Credit: Sophia Tsang DEVORA at GSNZ 2020 This year we had a variety of researchers presenting at the Geoscience Society of New Zealand (GSNZ) conference in Christchurch. The talks and posters ranged from outreach and education to faults and eruptions. Here are some examples of the presentation topics. Dr Sophia Tsang (Former DEVORA PhD) updated lava flow modeling for the DEVORA scenarios and gave a talk on the Volcanic Eruption Simulation in Auckland. Michaela Dobson (DEVORA Research Assistant) presented a poster about our virtual outreach initiative. Sian Camp (DEVORA Research Assistant) spoke about her work on an upcoming DEVORA project: Determining Baseline Seismicity to inform volcanism in the Auckland Volcanic Field. Dr Jenni Hopkins (Former DEVORA PhD and current Research Fellow at Victoria University) presented on a new database: TephraNZ. This database aims to compile all identified tephra in New Zealand to provide an easy and accessible comparison point for current and future research. Dr Jen Eccles (Senior Lecturer at The University of Auckland) presented a poster on fault exploration in Auckland and the work that’s been done to better characterise previously recognised faults and explore for obscured faults. Dr Kyle Bland (GNS Science) presented a poster which previewed a 3D geological model of the South Auckland Volcanic Field which includes a more detailed mapping of features such as tuff rings, lava flows, cones and mapping of 600 landslides. After the South Auckland Volcanic Field map is complete, they will focus on the more complicated Auckland Volcanic Field. Tags:CommunicationconferenceGSNZoutreachpresentationsresearch