
Risk, Resilience, Response and Recovery

Knowing the likely hazards associated with a future eruption enables us to determine potential impacts. Assigning a probability to these impacts is a way of expressing volcanic risk. To explore this we combine our knowledge of the hazards with information on Auckland’s built and social environment to describe how an eruption would affect Auckland and the rest of New Zealand.

Auckland’s Volcanoes: Their fiery secrets and how we’re prepared
New Research: Scientists examine evacuation timelines for future Auckland volcanic eruptions
New Research: Land use and economic recovery in Auckland post volcanic eruption simulations
Volcanic missiles help Auckland prepare for threats from below
Be prepared: Effective response to volcanic emergencies
GeoNet: On watch for Auckland’s next eruption
Power to cut impact of electricity network damage
Volcanic ash reduces post-eruption road and runway surface safety
All roads lead to disruption following volcanic eruption
On the road to solutions for volcanic ash-affected transport links