Knowing the likely hazards associated with a future eruption enables us to determine potential impacts. Assigning a probability to these impacts is a way of expressing volcanic risk. To explore this we combine our knowledge of the hazards with information on Auckland’s built and social environment to describe how an eruption would affect Auckland and the rest of New Zealand.
Have you ever wondered about the volcanoes our city is built upon and how we are making sure we’re prepared?
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FieldeducationEmergency ManagementhazardsVolcano
DEVORA scientists are working to understand how long it might take for people to move out of harm’s way ahead of a future eruption of the Auckland Volcanic Field. Check out this new research lead by DEVORA PhD Candidate Alec Wild to find out how long it would take !
Tags:Emergency Managementeruptionevacuationpublications
Check out this new open access research article published by University of Auckland and Market Economics researchers simulating post-eruption recovery pathways in Auckland. This work considers both physical consequences and socio-economic and planning implications.
Tags:open accesspublicationsresearch
Scientists unleashing volcanic ballistics onto Kiwi roofs hope to help Aucklanders understand and manage their volcanic hazards. Wilson and his team have been researching a variety of aspects of volcanic activity, simulating what may happen to buildings exposed to a future Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) eruption.
Tags:ballisticsbuilding strengthEQCresponseshelter-in-placeUniversity of Canterbury
The Auckland Volcanic Field Contingency Plan details the management of an eruption in the field.
Tags:Auckland Volcanic Fieldcivil defencecontingency planEmergency Managementeruptionrecoveryresponse
A collaboration between the Earthquake Commission and GNS Science, GeoNet provides geological hazard information for New Zealand.
Tags:dataearthquakeEmergency ManagementGeoNetGNSpublicationssensorvolcanic
Tags:electricityemergencyEmergency Managementeruptioninfrastructurepowerpublicationsvolcanic
Volcanic ash settling on paved surfaces poses a major safety hazard. A study of skid resistance on road asphalt and airfield concrete surfaces helps inform recommendations for effective cleaning and road safety maintenance.
Tags:airfieldashasphaltBritishconcreteEmergency Managementpendulumpublicationsroadsafetytestvolcanic
A multi-hazard scenario of an Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) eruption reveals the potential impact on transport infrastructure and network users.
Tags:AucklandEmergency Managementeruptionfieldhazardinfrastructurepublicationsscenariotransportvolcanic
Volcanic ash can play havoc with transport infrastructure, disrupting vital networks. The degree of disruption depends on particle size and deposit thickness, weather conditions, road surface materials and mitigation actions.
Tags:airportashdisruptionEmergency Managementhazardinfrastructureintensitymaritimenetworkpublicationsrailroadsurfacetransportvolcanic
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