Läuchli et al (2021) have discovered Onepoto Basin potentially contains the longest temporal lake sediment record from the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF). Check out this paper here.
Tags:age-datingcoringopen accesspublicationsresearchsedimentologyxray
Auckland lies upon many buried fault lines, and Gasston et al. (2021) has uncovered a new fault- the Motukaraka Fault.
Tags:faultsGNS Sciencemappingpublicationsresearch
Check out this new open access research article published by University of Auckland and Market Economics researchers simulating post-eruption recovery pathways in Auckland. This work considers both physical consequences and socio-economic and planning implications.
Tags:open accesspublicationsresearch
DEVORA are searching for lava rock and organic material from throughout Auckland to help our age-dating programme. Can you help ?
Tags:age-datingcommunity scienceresearch
This year we had a variety of researchers presenting at the Geoscience Society of New Zealand (GSNZ) conference in Christchurch. The talks and posters ranged from outreach and education to faults and eruptions.
For more than 10 years, DEVORA (DEtermining VOlcanic Risk in Auckland) has been focused on preparing New Zealand’s largest city for a volcanic eruption – and the ongoing disruption.
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FieldGNS ScienceresearchUniversity of Auckland
A mock movie teaser trailer has been created by University of Canterbury PhD candidate Josh Hayes to present his research topic, Clean-up and restoration of urban environments after volcanic eruptions.
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