Researchers will soon start using Auckland’s fibre network to study smaller earthquakes that could help to detect volcanic activity under the city
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FieldearthquakeEQCfaultsvolcano monitoring
Auckland lies upon many buried fault lines, and Gasston et al. (2021) has uncovered a new fault- the Motukaraka Fault.
Tags:faultsGNS Sciencemappingpublicationsresearch
A detailed study of the ancient and modern topography of New Zealand’s most populous city, Auckland, has revealed significant concealed fault offsets beneath the region’s volcanic field deposits.
Tags:AucklandAuckland Volcanic Field (AVF)block faultingborehole analysisconcealed faultsfaultsfieldgeologyJunction Magnetic AnomalymagneticpublicationsstructuraltopographyvolcanicWaitematā Group erosion surface
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