Click on a range of links to view media stories and risk-related news coverage relevant to the Auckland Volcanic Field.
Tags:Aucklandmediavolcanic field
Do you know that there are about 53 volcanoes in Auckland and that Rangitoto is the youngest one? Cleverly illustrated and packed full of easy to understand information, the DEVORA fact sheets prepared by leading scientific communicators share fun volcanic facts in a simple and engaging form.
Tags:AucklandCommunicationeducationfact sheetsinformationRangitotoTeachingvolcanic
Most people believe they have the necessary items to survive a volcanic eruption but only a few believe they are very prepared, an Auckland risk perception survey shows.
From key points to dynamic diagrams and succinct summaries, the DEVORA Geology Field Note Series delves into various volcano-related issues in an easy-to-read one-page “note”.
A multi-hazard scenario of an Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) eruption reveals the potential impact on transport infrastructure and network users.
Tags:AucklandEmergency Managementeruptionfieldhazardinfrastructurepublicationsscenariotransportvolcanic
Volcanic ash fall (tephra) can damage or even destroy buildings and infrastructure and threaten health and well-being, along with having a massive impact on both the local and national economy.
Tags:ashAucklandDisasterEmergency ManagementfieldhazardpublicationsrecoveryresponseRiskvolcanicwaste
Several eruption scenarios set the scene for developing better volcanic risk mitigation and asset management practices.
Tags:assetAucklandCommunicationEductionEmergency ManagementfieldinfrastructuremanagementmitigationpublicationsRiskvolcanic
Observations and numerical models can help explore the depositional mechanisms, macroscale current dynamics, and potential impact on the city of dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF).
Tags:Aucklandbase surgecurrentdensitydynamicsEmergency Managementfieldimpactmodelspublicationspyroclasticvolcanic
A detailed study of the ancient and modern topography of New Zealand’s most populous city, Auckland, has revealed significant concealed fault offsets beneath the region’s volcanic field deposits.
Tags:AucklandAuckland Volcanic Field (AVF)block faultingborehole analysisconcealed faultsfaultsfieldgeologyJunction Magnetic AnomalymagneticpublicationsstructuraltopographyvolcanicWaitematā Group erosion surface
Research on all aspects of monogenetic (small-volume) volcanism has been presented at the Fourth International Maar Conference (4IMC) in Auckland.
Tags:AucklandCommunicationEmergency Managementgeochemicalmaarmagmamonogeneticvolcanism
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