
DEVORA Fact Sheets

Do you know that there are about 53 volcanoes in Auckland and that Rangitoto is the youngest one?

Cleverly illustrated and packed full of easy to understand information, the DEVORA fact sheets prepared by leading scientific communicators share fun volcanic facts in a simple and engaging form.

Each fact sheet aims to raise awareness about the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) and the importance of understanding the local environment and landscape.

The DEVORA (DEtermining VOlcanic Risk in Auckland), fact sheet library continues to evolve with more fact sheets to be added, in order to deliver quality content to a mainstream audience.

  1. City of Volcanoes – The Auckland Volcanic Field, provides an introduction to the volcanoes dotting Auckland in New Zealand’s North Island.
  2. Hidden Eruptions – The Search for Auckland’s Volcanic Past, delves into the layers of volcanic history across the city, including an interactive quiz.
  3. Rangitoto – Odd one out, The story of Auckland’s Largest Volcano, includes a background to the formation of the island, the human occupation and importance of Rangitoto to local iwi, and more. This is a excellent resource to view before visiting the island yourself.
  4. Ascent (In review)
  5. VOLGARA –VOLcanic Gas Acid Rain and Ash from possible future Auckland Volcanic Field eruptions: what to expect and what to do, provides important information on the main impacts on air quality in the event of a volcanic eruption.
  6. Ngā Maunga – A brief history of Maunga (Mountains) in the Auckland Volcanic Field, looks at the relationship Māori have with Auckland’s volcanoes and how some Maunga have been returned to and cared for by the Tupuna Maunga Authority.
  7. The Floor is Lava – Lava flows from Auckland’s volcanoes explores one the most widely known volcanic hazards.


City of Volcanoes Cover
City of Volcanoes

Fact Sheet #1 The Auckland Volcanic Field


482.11 KB

Publication Date: 2017
Hidden Eruptions Cover
Hidden Eruptions

Fact Sheet #2 The Search for Auckland’s Volcanic Past


1.02 MB

Publication Date: 2019
Rangitoto Odd One Out Cover
Rangitoto Odd One Out

Fact Sheet #3 Odd one out, The story of Auckland's Largest Volcano


990.22 KB

Publication Date: 2020

Factsheet #5 VOLcanic Gas Acid Rain and Ash from possible future Auckland Volcanic Field eruptions: what to expect and what to do


3.52 MB

Publication Date: 2022
Ngā Maunga Cover
Ngā Maunga

Factsheet #6 A brief history of Maunga (Mountains) in the Auckland Volcanic Field


1.55 MB

Publication Date: 2022
The Floor is Lava Cover
The Floor is Lava

Factsheet #7 Lava flows from Auckland's volcanoes


2.52 MB

Publication Date: 2022