Image Credit: B.Hayward Dynamic approach to uncovering the potential eruption impact of base surges Observations and numerical models can help explore the depositional mechanisms, macroscale current dynamics, and potential impact on the city of dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF). This approach can help researchers understand the damage potential and the extent of previous and potential future eruptions in the AVF. The most deadly hazards relate to volcanic base surges — dilute, ground-hugging, particle-laden PDCs with dynamic pressures capable of severe to complete structural damage. Leading researchers from New Zealand and the United States have utilised the well-exposed base surge deposits of the Maungataketake tuff ring on the Manukau coast in Auckland to reconstruct the flow dynamics and destructive potential during an eruption. Tags:Aucklandbase surgecurrentdensitydynamicsEmergency Managementfieldimpactmodelspublicationspyroclasticvolcanic