DEVORA Rocks, Pops and Bubbles @ MOTAT Stem Fair and Polyfest 2021 DEVORA outreach and volunteers from RTEA: Te Rōpū Taiao; Environment Association attended the MOTAT STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fair on Sunday 11th April 2021. This annual event showcases research from a range of universities and institutes including UoA, AUT, GNS Science, QuakeCore NIWA and more. Over 40 stalls and 2050 people visited the event, which was the largest attendance in the events 40 years history. The following weekend Dr Sophia Tsang, attended Polyfest as part of Massey Universities Joint Centre for Disaster Research and Niupatch stall. Experiments like elephants toothpaste, and Alka-Seltzer cannister rockets where a hit with the crowd, and Sophia even presented on the Tongan Stage. Some of our experiments can be run at home or within school including; Coke and mentos geyser Alka-Seltzer film cannister rockets Blowing up a balloon without your mouth Dancing raisins Give them a go, and tag us @DEVORAproject on Facebook or email to Tags:Communicationeducationoutreach