Image Credit: DEVORA Outreach News It’s been a busy month for our DEVORA outreach team. Recently, the DEVORA team and volunteers attended the MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology) STEM Fair on April 2nd 2023. This annual event showcases research from various universities and institutes across New Zealand. DEVORA put on a show for everybody, demonstrating some fun and fiery experiments to model how pressure and gas (simulated in our experiments by ‘bubbles’) drive volcanic eruptions. The event was a great success, with around 1400 people of all ages attending the fair, all keen to learn more about rocks and volcanoes! In March, DEVORA RA’s Annahlise and Ema visited Year 13 students from Howick College to chat about all things volcanoes, geological dating, and Te Pane o Mataoho/Māngere Mountain for their upcoming assessment! The two classes were specifically interested in understanding how to use relative dating and radiometric dating methods, such as carbon-14 and Pb-Ar dating, to determine when Māngere Mountain was formed and last erupted. Students experienced 3 hours of lecture-style learning, alongside some experiments to support their understanding, and had the opportunity to ask relevant questions. Another important point of this visit was for the students to experience and prepare for university-style lectures and to hear first-hand what a career in STEM can look like. Good luck to these students on their upcoming assignments! We have a collection of resources for schools and teachers here, including experiment manuals and printable fact sheets. If you want DEVORA to visit your school or community group, please complete our Outreach Contact Form and email us at! Tags:Communicationeducationoutreachschools