The Auckland Volcanic Field is made up of about 53 individual centres. Within the DEVORA programme we are gathering data to explain how, why, how often and how fast magma moves to the surface in the Auckland Volcanic Field. We are also studying the deposits of past eruptions to learn more about how and when our volcanoes formed.
DEVORA are searching for lava rock and organic material from throughout Auckland to help our age-dating programme. Can you help ?
Tags:age-datingcommunity scienceresearch
Learn about Auckland’s largest and youngest volcano – Rangitoto. Rangitoto is a basaltic shield volcano that erupted after the arrival of Polynesians in the Auckland region (c. 1280 AD).
Tags:basalticeducationfield guidegeosciencelavaNew ZealandRangitotoshield volcanoTeaching
The collation of whole-rock major and trace element data has led to the development of a method to correlate volcanic ash samples to their source volcanic centres.
Tags:Auckland Volcanic Fieldbasaltcorrelationmonogeneticpublicationstephratephrochronology
By refining the velocity model used to locate earthquakes, Auckland can be better prepared for an eruption from the volcanic field that lies beneath the region in New Zealand’s upper North Island.
Tags:Auckland Volcanic Fielddownhole seismometerEmergency ManagementGeoNetmonitoringpublicationsvelocity model
Discrete melt batches that move at different depths and speeds may explain the erratic spatial and temporal pattern of eruptions in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF).
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FieldbasalticgeochemistrymeltingmonogeneticpublicationsRangitoto
A highly specialised systematic volume estimation model has been developed for use in New Zealand’s Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF).
Tags:Auckland Volcanic FielddiatremeLiDARmagmaphreatomagmaticpublications
Hazard scenarios for monogenetic (clustered) volcanism must cover a range of eruption periods as revealed by a study of Rangitoto.
A unique convergence of ecological, geological and cultural values in South Auckland showcases the need to integrate multiple elements in volcanic site evaluations.
The scale of eruption in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) appears to be controlled by the dynamics of the soft area (asthenosphere) of the upper mantle.
The rate of activity in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) in the upper North Island of New Zealand has been increasing for the past 60,000 years, suggesting that the field is still in its infancy.
Tags:chemistryeducationEmgency managementeruptionfieldgeologyhistoryqualitative researchvolcanic
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