An interactive, immersive role-play simulation has been developed to teach New Zealand geoscience students to forecast and mitigate a volcanic crisis.
Tags:CommunicationcrisiseducationemergencyEmergency Managementhazardspublicationsrole-playsimulationTeachingvolcanic
From key points to dynamic diagrams and succinct summaries, the DEVORA Geology Field Note Series delves into various volcano-related issues in an easy-to-read one-page “note”.
Volcanic ash damages and disrupts critical infrastructure. From electricity and transport to communications, wastewater and drinking water, all are at risk from a volcanic eruption.
Tags:ashCommunicationeducationelectricityEmergency ManagementhazardinfrastructurepreparednesspublicationsRiskTeachingtephratransportwastewater
A free, multi-hazard risk assessment software programme developed in New Zealand can be a powerful tool for assessing volcanic fields around the world.
Tags:AssessmenteducationEmergency ManagementfunctionshazardlayerspublicationsRiskRiskScapevolcanic field
Holocene ash fall from both local and distal volcanoes has affected Auckland more frequently than previously documented, with a possible average frequency of at least once every 424 years.
The scale of eruption in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) appears to be controlled by the dynamics of the soft area (asthenosphere) of the upper mantle.
The rate of activity in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) in the upper North Island of New Zealand has been increasing for the past 60,000 years, suggesting that the field is still in its infancy.
Tags:chemistryeducationEmgency managementeruptionfieldgeologyhistoryqualitative researchvolcanic
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